Digital and Public Humanities


The Digital and Public Humanities minor will highlight the real-world utility and employability of humanities disciplines, demonstrating the value of humanistic perspectives in business-oriented and tech-driven areas of study, and providing students with hands-on learning opportunities with external partners.  Students in the minor will receive training in both computational methodologies and humanistic analytical perspectives and will be provided with a project-based curricular environment that demonstrates how humanities research engages with and influences the world.

The interweaving of digital and public humanities methodologies provides students with valuable insight into the significance of humanities research in the world. Both digital and public humanities approaches demand that students study texts, images, and objects from theoretical perspectives and practically enact these perspectives to appeal to a range of audiences as they engage in applied humanities work. The minor will therefore balance students’ desire for marketable employment skills with the inherent and fundamental ability of the humanities to give voice to a range of viewpoints that can contribute to the betterment of ourselves, our community, and our society.

Digital and Public Humanities Minor - DPH


Required Courses
HUST 220Humanities at Work3
CPSC 207Computer Programming3
Curatorial Studies: Theory + Practice
Picturing Biodiversity: The Art of Natural History
Interpersonal Communication
Literature and the Public Humanities
Digital Humanities Project Laboratory: From Medieval Manuscripts to Digital Texts
Shakespeare in Our Time
Doing History: Oral and Public Histories
Reclaiming the Classics for a Diverse and Global World
Philosophy in the Public Square
Medical Ethics
Data Ethics
Or approved topics courses
Total Credits15

Program Coordinator

Dr. Sarah Noonan


T. Bidler, J. Bird, S. Gieslar, S. Mancino, S. Noonan, J. Wagman, I. Weaver, C. Wedrychowicz, L. Willamson Ambrose, M. Zwart


After completing this minor, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate skill in gathering and organizing data (broadly defined) to pursue humanistic inquiry;
  • Analyze and present data using digital and public humanities approaches;
  • Explain the ethical implications inherent in how data (including digital texts, archival material, and/or other cultural products) in the humanities is gathered, organized, analyzed, and shared;
  • Communicate effectively with diverse audiences in digital and/or public forums through written, oral, aural, and visual mediums; and
  • Articulate how experience in project-oriented, publicly-engaged initiatives and collaborative research opportunities prepares them for future career paths, community work and engagement, and graduate study.