Religious Studies and Theology, Bachelor of Arts - RLST

Major Requirements (27 Hours)

RLST 101Introducing Religious Studies3
Select one of the following:3
Experiencing God
Spirituality and Comedy
Reading the Hebrew Bible in Jewish & Christian Terms
Christian Holiness in History and Culture
Introduction to the New Testament
Faith in Action
Catholic Social Thought
The Christian Tradition
Catholic Faith and Life
Special Topics
Select one course from each of the following areas:
Biblical Studies:3
Historical Jesus: The Quest for Jesus of Nazareth
Paul and His Times
Reading and Interpreting Hebrew Bible Prophets
Historical Theology:3
The Mystics
Historical Theology
Contemporary Theology:3
Heaven and Hell
How to Become a Saint
Theologies of Mental Health
Religion and Science
African-American Theologies
Systematic Theology Seminar
Interfaith & Interreligious Studies3
Leviticus and Numbers: Cultural Interpretations
Religion and Literature
Religion and Science
Interfaith Studies
Islam: Beliefs, Practices, and Current Events
Select three of the following elective courses; one of which must be at the 300 level or above:9
Sustainability at Saint Mary’s College and in the Holy Cross Charism
Experiencing God
Spirituality and Comedy
Reading the Hebrew Bible in Jewish & Christian Terms
Christian Holiness in History and Culture
Introduction to the New Testament
Faith in Action
Catholic Social Thought
The Christian Tradition
Catholic Faith and Life
Queer Theology
Who is Saint Mary?
Historical Jesus: The Quest for Jesus of Nazareth
Paul and His Times
Leviticus and Numbers: Cultural Interpretations
Reading and Interpreting Hebrew Bible Prophets
Heaven and Hell
The Mystics
Religion and Literature
How to Become a Saint
Does God Care When Women Suffer?
Theologies of Mental Health
Religion and Science
Religion and Politics
African-American Theologies
Interfaith Studies
Islam: Beliefs, Practices, and Current Events
Special Topics
Historical Theology
Theology for Ministry and Life I: Theory
Total Credits27

Advanced Writing Proficiency

Students completing the Advanced Writing Proficiency Requirement in Religious Studies and Theology meet with their advisors in the fall of their junior year to design an Advanced W project appropriate for them. Majors will meet the Advanced W requirement by successfully completing their Senior Comprehensive Project (see below) in the fall of their senior year.

Senior Comprehensive

Students who major in Religious Studies and Theology complete an independent research project on a topic of their choice. The project displays the student’s depth of knowledge in Religious Studies and Theology. The topic and details of the project must be developed with and approved by their advisor and the department. The completed project, typically a 15-20 page thesis paper, is submitted in the fall of the student’s senior year.