Spanish, Bachelor of Arts - MLSP

Major Requirements (24 Hours)

MLSP 320Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature3
Two 200 Level Courses from the following:6
Spanish Conversation
Advanced Grammar/Composition
Spanish Composition
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers
MLSP 316Civilization of Spain3
or MLSP 317 Latin American Civilization
Any four of the 400-level courses:12
Contemporary Spanish Women Writers
Constructing Contemporary Latin America
Contemporary Latin American Narrative
Total Credits24

Advanced Writing Proficiency

The College’s Advanced Writing requirement in the major will be fulfilled by the successful completion of the major portfolio.

Senior Comprehensive

The Senior Comprehensive examination will provide the major with the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge in her field by means of written and oral examination.

Each year, the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures secures funding to offer our language majors and minors a professionally administered language proficiency exam, the STAMP test. The STAMP test helps the department gather data on the success of our students and allows us to demonstrate that our graduating majors and minors have achieved a high level of proficiency in their respective language. Furthermore, the STAMP test is a wonderful resource for our students who can use the results as concrete and professionally gathered evidence of their language proficiency. Students are expected to take the STAMP test although it is not obligatory.