Academic Honesty

Statement on Academic Honesty

The Saint Mary’s College mission compels its members to “foster an inclusive, academic community where students discover and develop their talents as they prepare to make a difference in the world” (Saint Mary’s College Mission). Committing to a college education at Saint Mary’s College means one is committing to personally engaging and supporting others in the academic work foundational to world-changing endeavors now and in the future.  At its heart, the opportunity for discovery cannot exist without academic integrity.

What is Academic Honesty?

When a student submits any work for academic credit, the student makes an implicit claim that the work is wholly their own, done without the assistance of any person, source or tools not explicitly noted and allowed by the instructor of the course. Additionally, a student does not undermine other students’ ability to complete course work.

Examples of violations of academic honesty include but are not limited to the following

  1. studying and working together on homework assignments without instructor permission to do so;
  2. supplying or receiving completed assignments, papers, outlines, or research for submission by any person other than the author;
  3. submitting the same, or essentially the same, paper or report for credit on two different occasions without instructor permission to do so;
  4. supplying or receiving unauthorized information about the form or content of an examination prior to its administration—specifically including unauthorized exam material prior to the exam;
  5. supplying or receiving partial or complete answers, suggestions for answers, assistance in the interpretation of questions on any examination from any source, including AI (artificial intelligence) not explicitly authorized, as well as copying or reading another student’s work or consulting notes or other sources during examinations;
  6. copying or allowing the copying of assigned work or the falsification or digital fabrication of information;
  7. fabricating data or research results;
  8. removing study or research materials or equipment intended for common use in assigned work without authorization;
  9. altering any materials or apparatus and, thereby, interfering with another student’s work; and
  10. plagiarism (see the following statement in which plagiarism is defined).

Any exception to the above must be explicitly stated by the person giving academic credit for the work.

Procedures for addressing academic honesty violations

Faculty members have a responsibility to refer to the College policy on academic honesty at the beginning of each course. Faculty are expected to foster the honesty of their students by conducting each course in a manner which discourages cheating or plagiarism.

Faculty will thoroughly investigate any evidence of cheating in their classes. Course instructors who have evidence of cheating or plagiarism must make the charge and any subsequent action known to the student. Only then will an appropriate penalty be imposed as stated in the course syllabus. Instructors should submit in writing the name of any student found guilty of academic dishonesty serious enough to have been penalized, along with a description of the penalty imposed, to the Dean of Student Academic Services at the time that the penalty is imposed. Such reports will be kept in confidence, except in the case of continued violations by a student, in which case the reports may be presented to the Committee on Academic Standards.

The instructor of the course in which a violation of academic honesty occurs will determine an appropriate penalty. Penalties may range from a refusal of credit for an individual assignment to failure in the course, depending on the seriousness of the offense, and must be consistent with policies stated in the course syllabus. In cases recommended to it for further consideration, the Committee on Academic Standards may also recommend other penalties, including academic dismissal from the College.

In addition:

  1. Any member of the College community is encouraged to report a violation of academic honesty of which they have evidence to the instructor of the course. All accusations must be kept confidential.
  2. Any member of the College community has the right to refer a violation of academic honesty of which they have evidence to the Dean of Student Academic Services for further consideration. All accusations must be kept confidential.
  3. Any student has the right to refer an accusation of academic dishonesty or a grade resulting from such an accusation to the Dean of Student Academic Services for further consideration.
  4. At the written request of any involved party, the Dean of Student Academic Services shall refer an appeal to the Committee on Academic Standards for a wider hearing. At the discretion of the Dean of Student Academic Services, a case involving repeated violations of academic honesty by a student may be referred to the Academic Standards Committee for further consideration and possible disciplinary action. The student(s) involved will be notified before any such referral is made.
  5. Any student taking a course through the Notre Dame Co-Exchange Program or the N.I.C.E. program shall adhere to and be subject to the host institution’s Academic Code of Honor or Academic Honesty Policy as it applies to that course.