Global Education Programs

Saint Mary’s has a long history of providing global education programs as an essential part of our educational mission—forming women leaders who will make a difference in the world. As this world becomes increasingly interdependent, the College offers an expanding range of semester, year, semester break, and summer study and service programs in a wide variety of countries, and encourages students to take advantage of them. These programs are coordinated by the Global Education Office (GEO). Since program requirements and credit arrangements vary considerably, students should start the planning process as early as possible in their college careers. The GEO Office will assist students in researching and pursuing their options. Students should work closely with the academic advisors to craft a course of study that will allow them to take full advantage of the opportunities available while making progress toward their major and Sophia Program requirements. For Saint Mary’s College programs, the point of contact for each study abroad program will support the students through their experience.


Saint Mary’s College offers a Spanish program in Córdoba, Argentina via its long-term partner, SSA Education Abroad (formerly known as Spanish Studies Abroad). Córdoba is recognized as a center for arts and learning in Argentina with its many universities, theaters, and museums. Students study at the distinguished Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), taking courses designed for international students. To be eligible, students must have completed at least one semester of intermediate college Spanish or the equivalent, or be a native speaker.  Students at the advanced level can take one or two regular courses at UNC alongside local students. For this option, students must have taken at least two semesters of advanced college Spanish. When applying to study in Argentina, a 3.0 GPA in Spanish as well as a 3.0 average overall are required.

Belize - Marine Biology Program

Saint Mary’s College offers a week-long spring break field experience in South Water Caye, Belize, as part of BIO 209 Marine Biology. This experience is offered in alternate years. Students will stay at the facilities of IZE Belize Marine Biology field station on South Water Caye.  Through the course, students explore marine sites for observation and/or snorkeling. Students carry out a week-long independent research project and learn about Belize culture. This program is open to any student who has taken BIO 156 Foundations of Ecology and Evolution or by permission of the instructor. Enrollment preference will be given to Biology majors.

Ecuador - Environmental Summer Program

The three-credit course highlights the natural beauty of Ecuador in a two-week travel experience. The three-credit course highlights the natural beauty of Ecuador in a two-week travel experience. Particular emphasis is placed on local cultures, the rich diversity of life, and the intersection between biodiversity, culture, and socio-economic pressures.  Participants spend several days exploring the highlands of Ecuador, including historic sites in the capital city of Quito. Students will hike in the Andes Mountains, visit a volcano, and explore high elevation cloud forests. They then travel by boat down the Napo and Tiputini Rivers into the Amazon ecosystem to a biological research station in the jungle, exploring the grandeur of the rainforest with canopy walks, night hikes, and canoe tours. Students will get first hand field research experience studying vulnerable species of the rainforest to inform ongoing conservation efforts in the region.  This course is ideal for adventurous students with an interest in biology, environmental science, Spanish language and Latin American culture, indigenous studies, ecology and conservation, sustainability, international travel, or scientific research.

ENGLAND - Oxford

Saint Mary’s is one of a few Catholic colleges and universities in the United States that have been invited to participate in the Overseas Student Programme at Blackfriars Hall of Oxford University, which provides highly motivated and advanced students (cumulative GPA of at least 3.8) with a special opportunity to spend a year studying at one of the world’s most storied universities, as well as at one of the most famous centers for the study of the Catholic intellectual tradition. Participants in the program work one-on-one with world-class faculty members, enjoy conversations and forge friendships with other talented students from around the world, and imbibe the history and culture of a medieval university city as well as that of England itself. Blackfriars’ course offerings are most robust in the disciplines of philosophy, theology, history, and literature, though it is also possible to take tutorial and lecture courses in economics, politics, and psychology, as well as lectures, seminars and language courses from the full range of offerings across Oxford University.

ENGLAND - Twickenham (London)

St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, London is located in the historic Strawberry Hill area near the river Thames. The campus is only 30 minutes away from central London by train and hosts a large international student population. Students can study at St. Mary’s University for either the fall or spring semester. The university offers more than 40 programs of study, such as Arts and Humanities, Education, Theology and Leadership, Management and Social Sciences, Sport, Health and Applied Science, and Drama and Theatre to name a few. Students are housed in shared on-campus accommodations. Students must have completed at least one academic year and earned an overall GPA of 2.7.

England - London LEB Summer Programs

The three-week practicum in London offers students the opportunity to take courses and manage a project with real clients. The program is facilitated by London Enrichment & Business Education (LEB Education). In this hands-on program, students will consult with clients on issues facing their organization. This summer program is ideal for management, business, finance, and marketing students.

European Summer Study Program

The European Summer Study Program is an introduction to Western European history and culture, via coursework, tours of famous historical sites, and interactions with professionals abroad.  This 20+ day four-week program is offered from mid-May to mid-June. Classes are held not in the usual four-walled setting, but instead in the places where important events happened and are happening today! Learn about Shakespeare at the Globe Theatre and, discuss the Irish Rebellion of 1916 at the General Post Office in Dublin, the Easter Rebellion at Kilmainham Gaol, debate about Malthusian Economics in front of the Old Curiosity Shop. All students enroll in one or two courses; options may include theatre, history, international business, or other topics. In the past this program has visited Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, London, Paris, and Barcelona.

France - Angers

Saint Mary’s College offers students the opportunity to study in Angers for the fall, spring, and academic year or for the four-week summer program at the Université Catholique de L’Ouest (UCO) in CIDEF, which is the Center of French as a Foreign Language. The semester and full-year programs start with a language-intensive period to fully immerse in French. Students then enroll in French language courses and, depending on level, one or two content courses per semester toward their undergraduate degree. In addition to language, CIDEF course offerings include history, art history, literature, philosophy, politics, culture, and topical subjects.   In the summer program, students take French language courses only.  Interested students must complete at least one semester of intermediate French prior to study in Angers and must have an overall 2.5 GPA as well as a B average in French at the time of application. Admission to the program is finalized through UCO. Students live with host families and participate in a variety of extracurricular activities at the university.

Greece Summer Study Program

The Greece Summer Study Tour is a two-week program beginning toward the end of May and continuing into the month of June. Through the course, RLST 191 “Greco-Roman World and Christian Origins,” students immerse themselves in the Greco-Roman world of the first urban Christians converted by Paul the Apostle while traveling throughout mainland Greece. Enrollment is open to students of all class years. Students do not need to specialize in history, religion, or a foreign language to participate.

Hungary - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (BSM) is an academically rigorous program for motivated undergraduates who wish to study math in the beautiful city of Budapest. BSM classes are taught in English by Hungarian professors. Students can attend BSM during the fall or spring semesters or during the 8-week summer term. Students are expected to take 3-4 mathematics courses during the semester program (2 during the summer), which are all taught in English by faculty affiliated with universities in Budapest. Before mathematics classes begin, students enroll in a 2-week intensive course in Hungarian offered through BSM (1 week for the summer program). Students are offered housing in BSM-approved furnished apartments nearby. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or better to apply to the program and must have completed one semester of MATH 353 Abstract Algebra I or MATH 341 Analysis I by the time the program begins, though exceptions are possible.

Ireland - Maynooth

Since 1977, Saint Mary’s students have studied at Maynooth University in Ireland. These students attend regularly scheduled classes with and live among Irish students. They mainly choose sophomore-level general education courses in literature, history, classical civilization, philosophy, theology, economics, anthropology, or sociology. Students on the Ireland Program may enroll for the Irish academic year or for one semester. Applicants should demonstrate a serious attitude in their college work (a minimum of a 2.8 cumulative GPA is required), and must complete an application process to qualify.  Students live in shared university apartments with a mix of Irish and other international students.

ITALY - Rome

Studying for a semester, year, or summer term in Rome provides a life-changing experience that has a significant and lasting impact on students’ intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth. Facilitated by our partner in Rome, John Cabot University (JCU), classes are held in English on JCU’s campuses in Trastevere. All Saint Mary’s students live in JCU-owned apartments with Italian and other international students. The units are fully furnished with a kitchen, and RA’s are on site 24/7. A meal plan at JCU’s cafeteria is included, although students will need to take extra funds for cooking or eating out when not on campus. While in Rome all students take an Italian language course. During the academic semester most will take 3–4 other courses selected from a long list with a wide variety of courses that have been approved to meet general education requirements. JCU offers major and minor programs with upper-level courses in many areas that students may be able to take with their advisor’s pre-approval Saint Mary’s students may also apply for internships in Rome through JCU. Interested students must have an overall GPA of 2.5. It is strongly recommended that students complete a year of college level introductory Italian before going overseas.

Japan - Tokoyo

Ochanomizu University has the longest history as a women's college in Asia and is located in Tokyo, Japan. In 2022, Ochanomizu University was selected as part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Project to Strengthen Universities' Global Expansion Capabilities," and launched the "Practical EDI Program Originating from Women's University to Cultivate Global Leaders." This global program combines EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion), a six month study abroad program, and a practicum.

MOROCCO - Ifrane

The town of Ifrane is a small French-style ski resort nestled in the Middle Atlas Mountains. A semester or year in Ifrane exposes students to the Arab and Islamic world. Saint Mary’s students take courses for the Sophia Program requirements at Al Akhawayn University and all classes are taught in English. Students also have the opportunity to develop language skills in Arabic or French. Prior study of Arabic or French at Saint Mary’s is strongly recommended. The average class size at Al Akhawayn University is 17, ensuring that students have the opportunity to interact with faculty and classmates. Students live in the residence halls with Moroccan and other international students.


In Puerto Rico, students study at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón (Sagrado) in the heart of the city. Founded in 1880, Sagrado is a Catholic, independent, co-educational and non-profit institution that encourages and facilitates spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and physical development of students. Saint Mary’s students take the Liberal Arts in Advanced Spanish program for 12-18 credits per semester and choose 2-4 courses from regular course offerings taught in Spanish and taken with local students. One language class is required as part of cultural immersion and there is an optional internship or service learning course. Students are housed in residencias, on-campus dormitories. Students must have a 3.0 GPA in Spanish as well as a 3.0 average overall when they apply for the program Students applying to the Liberal Arts in Advanced Spanish program must have completed at least one year of advanced college-level Spanish sequence or the equivalent, or be native/near-native speakers of Spanish.  The San Juan program is offered through Saint Mary’s long-term partner SSA Education Abroad (formerly known as Spanish Studies Abroad).


Saint Mary’s College offers an international program provided by International Studies Abroad (ISA) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), Cape Town. Students can choose courses taught in English in a wide range of subject areas. Students may take 4 courses or the equivalent of 16 credits per semester and may enroll for the fall or spring semester. Upon arrival, students will participate in arrival orientation before the university orientation for new students. Excursion opportunities can include a one-day trip to Table Mountain and Cape Peninsula, multiple days to Aquilia Game Reserve or the Jermanus Backpacker Lodge, and a one-day trip to Langa Township and Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years. The program is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Applicants for this program must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.


In 2008, Saint Mary’s established a direct student exchange program with Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul, South Korea, which was established in 1886 as the first higher education institution for women in Korea. It is now one of the most prestigious universities in Korea and the largest women’s university in the world. English is a popular language in South Korea. Students choose from more than 500 courses taught in English, with pre-approval from their academic advisors, and can study for a semester. Korean language is not required, but students may take Korean Language Courses at different levels for 6 credits. Students must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA to be eligible for this program.

SPAIN - Alicante 

In partnership with SSA Education Abroad (formerly known as Spanish Studies Abroad), Saint Mary’s students study at the Universidad de Alicante (UA) and live with host families. Students are immersed in Spanish language and culture studying with international students at the same level of Spanish. Eligibility for the Liberal Arts in Spanish program is a 3.0 GPA in Spanish coursework and a minimum of 1 year of elementary college Spanish or the equivalent, or heritage speaker. Advanced students of Spanish may enroll in the Liberal Arts in Advanced Spanish and take classes at UA alongside Spaniards. Eligibility is a 3.0 GPA in Spanish coursework and successful completion of 2 semesters of advanced college Spanish or the equivalent, or heritage speaker.  Additional options are available in English for students who do not meet the proficiency requirements in Spanish.

SPAIN - Seville

In 1999, the College formally affiliated with SSA Education Abroad (formerly known as Spanish Studies Abroad) in Seville, Spain which offers a total immersion program on the study of the Spanish language and culture. Students live with host families and choose courses embracing a variety of disciplines - language, civilization, literature, politics and economy of Spain, art history, Spanish society, comparative marketing, the Spanish business environment, and others. All courses are taught in Spanish, and students must have completed at least one semester of intermediate college Spanish or the equivalent and earned a 3.0 average in Spanish courses. Advanced students of Spanish may enroll in the Liberal Arts in Advanced Spanish and take classes at the Universidad de Sevilla alongside Spaniards. Eligibility is a 3.0 GPA in Spanish coursework and successful completion of 2 semesters of advanced college Spanish or the equivalent, or heritage speaker.  Advanced students may also participate in an internship program. Students can study in Seville for a summer, semester, or academic year. Spanish majors and minors typically spend the second semester of their sophomore year studying abroad.  Additional options are available in English for students who do not meet the proficiency requirements in Spanish.

Spain - Internships in Seville

Eight-week summer internships in Seville, Spain include but are not limited to: advertising, marketing, public relations, management and finance, politics and international relations, arts administration, journalism, etc. Placements are made before leaving campus, are in professional settings, and require full attendance of up to 40 hours per week. Students are expected to complete course requirements, written assignments, and on-site employee evaluation. Once students arrive, on-site program staff will orient students to the city and provide additional mentorship. Students live in home-stays in the SSA Education Abroad program in Seville. The program is open to all students, but to participate students need to be either proficient/fluent in the Spanish language or have completed at least two advanced Spanish courses at the college level or the equivalent.

Uganda - Nursing and Education Practicum

In 2009 Saint Mary’s launched a six-week summer practicum program working with the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Kyarusozi, Uganda. This program is currently only for Education and Nursing majors. It is an opportunity for students to live and work directly with the Sisters of the Holy Cross and immerse themselves in the local community offering skilled assistance in education and nursing. Students take a practicum course in either education or nursing for six weeks, with one overnight outing in a game park midway through the program. Students should have rising Senior status in order to apply.