Elective Course Offerings

Communication Studies

COMM 260 Film and Video Production (3)
The course focuses on the video production process by introducing students to the use of video cameras and microphones, the basic principles of lighting for video, the use of non-linear editing software, the mechanics of delivering video content to social media and online platforms. The emphasis of the course is on visual storytelling techniques and elements of contemporary communication theory that are useful for crafting and conveying messages to well-defined audiences over the medium of video.


In addition to the dance courses listed under Creative and Performing Arts, the following course is available for elective credit. For both Sophia and elective dance courses, students receive two credit hours for technique courses taken for the first time and one credit hour for subsequent enrollment in the same level technique course. All two-credit technique courses include an academic component: required and recommended literary sources, as well as written midterm and final examinations that test knowledge of terminology and movement concepts.

DANC 243  Dance Ensemble Workshop (DEW)  (1-3)  

The ensemble functions as the student dance company in residence. The dancers meet on a regular basis for technique classes, master classes and rehearsals with faculty and guest choreographers. D.E.W. presents an annual concert. Variable credit offered for performance and production. Performance students must be concurrently enrolled in a technique class. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits. By audition/permission only.


EDUC 100  Strategies for Academic Success (2)  
What constitutes a “successful education”? Good grades? A diploma? Being prepared for a career after graduation? Certainly, these elements (among many others) constitute necessary aspects of educational success, but they are also largely extrinsic motivators that function as rewards to be attained at the end of a particular journey. Indeed, such rewards are powerful incentives that can propel us to succeed in college and beyond. In this course, however, we will also consider the value of intrinsic motivations related to education and examine how we might benefit in all aspects of our lives by privileging those habits of mind that lead us to become life-long learners.

In EDUC 100, we will value the learning process over the accumulated products of education as we assess how collaboration, creativity, metacognition and research-informed learning practices can assist us in and out of the classroom. Students will examine various approaches to learning and education, always with an eye toward defining (and employing) their own “best practices” in relation to their individual definitions of academic success.


MUS 101  Class Piano - Beginners  (1)  

Beginning piano for those with no previous keyboard experience, using the electronic piano lab. Designed to develop music skills through correlation of music fundamentals with beginning piano literature, including folk songs, holiday songs, easy classics, and blues.

MUS 111–131 Applied Music: Private Lessons — Instrumental or Voice (1–2 credits) Lessons are offered for voice, piano, and all brass, string, woodwind and percussion instruments. Fees are $415 per semester for a half-hour lesson a week (one semester hour of credit), and $620 per semester for a 50-minute lesson a week (two semester hours of credit). These lessons fulfill LO1 Creative and Performing Arts.

MUS 201 Collegiate Choir (1)
A treble choir that performs primarily on campus. Goals include developing excellent individual and group tone quality, working toward clear and proper diction, and strengthening aural and music reading abilities. Performs quality treble repertoire, both sacred and secular, in 2–4 parts. Membership by audition only. Auditions will take place during August orientation through the first week of classes. This class fulfills LO1 Creative and Performing Arts.

MUS 203 Belles Voix (1)
This is the College’s select treble ensemble which performs music of all periods with an emphasis on new music. The choir regularly commissions and records new works, takes national concert tours every other year, and makes regular Carnegie Hall appearances. The ensemble performs biennially with the South Bend Symphony Orchestra and hosts the annual High School Treble Choir Festival. Membership is by audition only which will take place during August orientation through the first week of classes.  This class fulfills LO1 Creative and Performing Arts.

MUS 206  String Ensemble  (1)  

String Ensemble is a non-auditioned string (winds and percussion will be allowed when appropriate) ensemble open to all members of the college community. The course includes the study and performance of significant string literature. May be repeated for credit.

For information on additional ensembles at area colleges and universities, please call the Department of Music at (574) 284-4632.

Physical Education

The Physical Education Department offers selected activity courses based on student needs and interests. These courses are offered throughout the day and week to satisfy a broad range of fitness interests. 

Physical education classes and participation in intercollegiate athletics carry one-half semester hour of elective credit. One semester hour of credit may be applied to graduation. The following courses are available during fall semester 2024:

PE 050PE Activity (Tone It - arms, abs, legs).5
PE 050PE Activity (Yoga).5
PE 050PE Activity (Spin).5
THTR 375 Rehearsal, Performance, and Production (1 to 3)
Rehearsal and performance of a faculty-directed production. The Fall ’24 production is “The Play That Goes Wrong.” Participation as an assistant director, stage manager, crew member, or actor in a 5-7 week rehearsal/performance period. Prerequisite: Audition, permission of the instructor