Available Sophia Courses for Incoming First Year Students

For First-Year Students Fall 2024

Knowledge Acquisition and Integration of Learning (LO1)

Modern Languages
Philosophical Worldviews
Religious Traditions
Historical Perspectives
Natural Sciences
Social Science I
Social Science II
Creative and Performing Arts
Professional Arts
Mathematical Arts
Elective Course Offerings

Additional Links:
First Year Seminar Courses
Critical Thinking Seminar Courses (CTS)
Writing Proficiency Courses (WP)

Cultures and Systems



ENLT 151W Women and Embodiment: Disability, Medicine, and Feminism (4)
This course introduces students to reading and writing about literature at the college level. Throughout the semester, we’ll practice skills necessary for literary analysis, including close reading, using textual evidence, and developing strong interpretive arguments. As we read novels, short stories, poetry, and drama from across time and continents, we will engage with disability studies and feminism as interpretive lenses. We’ll question: What is disability studies, and how can it intersect with literary interpretations of gender, race, class, and sexuality? How is disability and illness represented in literature and performances? How have women authors critiqued medical institutions and their treatment of women’s bodies? To what extent have feminist movements included or excluded women with disabilities? This course also satisfies an LO2 Women's Voices and provides students the opportunity to earn the W.

ENLT 151W Inherited Tales (4)
Childhood stories often frame adults' worldviews. Fairy tales and myths certainly influence the worlds later authors have created. Beginning with tales from diverse cultures, this class will explore common literature tropes and female figures, such as the Damsel in Distress, the Star-crossed Lovers, and the Child Run Amok. Then we'll move forward in time, seeing how these tropes and figures were reinvented in texts that include Persepolis and Hadestown. The aim is to discover what's new and what's lasting in global literature. Students will learn to read, analyze, and compose texts in order to become more engaged and critical of literature. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women's Voices and provides students the opportunity to earn the W.

ENLT 151W Making Worlds from Words: Worldbuilding in Literature (4) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
This course explores the techniques and purposes of world building in literature. Any written text uses words to guide its reader in the creation of an imaginary place different from the present physical reality surrounding that reader. In literary texts, the constructions that result from the process of reading are sensuously vivid, emotionally compelling, and intellectually engaging, so that the reader may feel that she has entered another world. One useful way to improve one’s understanding and enjoyment of literature, then, is to consider how literary texts guide their readers in a process of mental construction that results in something that can be experienced as an imagined world. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women's Voices and provides students the opportunity to earn the W.

HUST 103 Lives and Times (3)
This course features lively classroom discussion and introduces you to a wide range of fascinating people throughout history. Through novels, memoirs, and films, we see what makes these people tick, whether they are slaves, affluent housewives, concentration camp inmates, or little girls in the Australian outback. We try to answer the sorts of questions that we all have to ask ourselves:  How do my childhood experiences make me the adult I become? What place does spirituality have in my life? How do I balance the need to be my own person with the need to belong to my peer group or family? This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices and LO3 Social Responsibility.

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HIST 201 United States History to 1865 (3)
This course is a survey of the history of the United States from the first European settlements in the “New World” through the Civil War. If you don’t know what calendar dates that includes ... you need this course.  This course will focus on writing more than the typical US History survey. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices  and LO3 Social Responsibility.  Section 72180 also satisfies LO3 Critical Thinking Seminar.

HIST 201W United States History to 1865 (4)
The content of this course is similar to that of HIST 201 United States History to 1865.  This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices and provides students the opportunity to earn the W. 

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Modern Languages

All bachelor degree programs require the successful completion of a full year of foreign language study: two sequential courses at the appropriate level, as determined by the student’s interests and her abilities as indicated by the online placement exam. A student who is enrolling at the introductory level (101) in a language that she has not studied in high school is not required to take the placement exam.

I speak English. Why should I learn another language?

“...[E]ffective communication and successful negotiations with a foreign partner — whether with a partner in peacekeeping, a strategic economic partner, a political adversary, or a non-English speaking contact in a critical law enforcement action — requires strong comprehension of the underlying cultural values and belief structures that are part of the life experience of the foreign partner.”
— Dr. Dan Davidson, President of the American Councils on International Education

“A different language is a different vision of life.”
— Federico Fellini, Italian film director

“To have another language is to possess a second soul” 
—Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor (747-814)

The knowledge of other languages and cultures is becoming more and more necessary in today’s globalized world, representing skills increasingly sought by employers both within and outside the United States, particularly for higher-level positions. Additionally, the ability to understand and communicate in another language and across cultures can lead to significant personal growth, both intellectually and spiritually, developing critical and interpretive thinking. (Some studies show a meaningful correlation between second language study and improved verbal and mathematical performance on tests such as the SAT or the MCAT.) Studying a second language can also open doors to self-knowledge and to participation in worlds you haven’t yet imagined.

Introductory Level - These courses are for students who have never studied the language or those who are continuing a language studied in high school and earned a score below 40 (Spanish) or below 38 (all other languages) on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Students who have earned high school credits in a language will not be allowed to enroll in the introductory level sequence (101) or the intermediate level sequence (111) of that language until they have taken the online placement exam.

MLAR 101Introductory Arabic I4
MLAR 102Introductory Arabic II4
MLAR 103Arabic Conversation and Reading I2
MLFR 101Introductory French I4
MLFR 102Introductory French II4
MLIT 101Introductory Italian I4
MLIT 102Introductory Italian II4
MLSP 101Introductory Spanish I4
MLSP 102Introductory Spanish II4

Intermediate Level - These courses are for students who are continuing a language studied in high school and who demonstrate sufficient language competence to pursue intermediate study of the language with an emphasis on written and oral expression. Placement at the intermediate level will be determined by the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures based on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Students earning a score of 40 (Spanish) or higher or 38 (all other languages) or higher must enroll at the intermediate level. Students who have earned high school credits in a language will not be allowed to enroll in the introductory level sequence (101) or the intermediate level sequence (111) of that language until they have taken the online placement exam.

MLFR 111Intermediate French I4
MLFR 112Intermediate French II4
MLIT 111Intermediate Italian4
The Modern Language Sophia requirement can be fulfilled with a second approved Italian language course.
MLSP 111Intermediate Spanish I4
MLSP 112Intermediate Spanish II4
MLSP 115Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers I4
MLSP 216Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers4

Placement and Credit

The decision regarding which foreign language to study and whether to continue or begin a new language belongs to the student. First-year advisors will help a student weigh her interests and consider her ability, study abroad and career plans in order to advise her and help her reach a thoughtful decision.

The placement exam can be a helpful tool in the advising process. A student electing to continue the study of a foreign language  for which she has received high school credit must complete the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam before she will be allowed to enroll in either the introductory or the intermediate level.

The level in which the student enrolls may have an impact on her choice of study abroad programs or her ability to major in a particular language. The first-year advisor can provide all pertinent information, but the student and her academic advisor are encouraged to consult with the chair of Modern Languages and Cultures if there are any questions.

Eight credits in modern languages are awarded upon completion of the requirement. Students who complete the requirement at the intermediate level (111–112 or 115–216) or higher in their first year will receive an additional four semester hours of elective credit.


  1. In deciding how to fulfill the modern languages requirement in the Sophia Program, the department encourages students to base their decision on their personal interests, taking into consideration their study abroad and career plans, as well as their linguistic ability. Students should discuss this decision with their first year advisor.
  2. A student starting a new language should complete the Sophia modern language requirement before the beginning of her junior year.
  3. A student wishing to major in Spanish or minor in French or Italian with no prior study of that language must enroll in the introductory level in her first year.
  4. Students may be exempt from the foreign language requirement by examination.


MLAR 101 Introductory Arabic I (4)
An introduction to the Arabic language. The focus is on developing language proficiency in all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The course also introduces students to Arabic and Islamic cultures. College credit will not be granted for students who have earned high school credits in the language and who earned a score of 38 or above on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Continues second semester as MLAR 102. Strongly recommended for students interested in study abroad in Morocco.

MLAR 103 Arabic Conversation and Reading I (2)
Designed to develop the ability to hold everyday conversation in Arabic and to introduce the student to Arabic cultures. Strongly recommended for study abroad in Morocco. This course does not fulfill a Sophia requirement.


MLFR 101 Introductory French I (4)
An introduction to the French language. The focus is on developing language proficiency in all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The course also introduces students to French and Francophone cultures. College credit will not be granted for students who have earned high school credits in the language and who earned a score of 38 or above on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Continues second semester as MLFR 102. Strongly recommended for students interested in study abroad in Morocco and in Angers, France.

MLFR 111 Intermediate French I (4)
Designed to develop an intermediate level proficiency in French focusing on all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Emphasis is also placed on French and Francophone cultures. Placement into this level is determined by the student’s score on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Students earning a score of 38 or above must enroll in the intermediate sequence. Continues second semester as MLFR 112. MLFR 111 is required for students interested in study abroad in Angers, France.


MLIT 101 Introductory Italian I (4)
An introduction to the Italian language. The focus is on developing language proficiency in all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The course also introduces students to Italian culture. College credit will not be granted for students who have earned high school credits in the language and who earned a score of 38 or above on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Continues second semester as MLIT 102. Strongly recommended for students interested in study abroad in Rome. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women's Voices and LO3 Global Learning.

MLIT 111 Intermediate Italian (4)
Designed to develop an intermediate level proficiency in Italian focusing on all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Emphasis is also placed on Italian culture. Placement into this level is determined by the student’s score on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Students earning a score of 38 or above must enroll in the intermediate sequence. The Modern Language Sophia requirement can be fulfilled with a second approved Italian language course.


MLSP 101 Introductory Spanish I (4)
An introduction to the Spanish language. The focus is on developing increased proficiency in all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The course also introduces students to Hispanic cultures. College credit will not be granted for students who have earned high school credits in the language and who earned a score of 40 or above on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Continues second semester as MLSP 102. MLSP 111 or MLSP 115 is required for study abroad in Seville, Spain and Córdoba, Argentina.

MLSP 111 Intermediate Spanish I (4)
Designed to develop an intermediate level proficiency in Spanish focusing on all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Emphasis is also placed on Hispanic cultures. Placement into this level is determined by the student’s score on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam. Students earning a score of 40 or above must enroll in the intermediate sequence (111–112). Continues second semester as MLSP 112. MLSP 111 or MLSP 115 is required for study abroad in Seville, Spain and Córdoba, Argentina.

MLSP 115 Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers I (4)
Designed to develop an intermediate level proficiency in Spanish focusing on all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, but with increased attention given to reading, writing, and grammar, as appropriate to heritage speakers. Emphasis is also placed on Hispanic cultures. Only students for whom Spanish plays a role in their lives (spoken at home; grandparents or other relatives who speak Spanish, whether or not they live in the student’s home; frequent engagement with Spanish-speaking communities, etc.) and who receive 50 or above on the Northwestern University Online Placement Exam may enroll in this sequence. Students earning a score of 50 or above must enroll in one of the intermediate sequences (111–112 or 115–216). Continues second semester as MLSP 216. MLSP 111 or MLSP 115 is required for study abroad in Seville, Spain and Córdoba, Argentina.

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Traditions and Worldviews

Philosophical Worldviews

PHIL 110 Introductory Philosophy (3)
Readings and discussions designed to introduce the student to the major areas and problems of philosophy through a study of the writings of classical and contemporary thinkers. Section 72112 also satisfies an LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar.

PHIL 110W Finding Meaning in the Madness (3.5) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
A unit of the tandem The Art of Living, taken in conjunction with ART 211W Living Through Clay (CRN 72072).  Both ceramics and philosophy are arts. The ceramicist, as artist, reaches for a deeper understanding of her medium. Her aim is to realize the potentials in clay through the creation of artifacts that—perhaps more frequently than those produced in any other of the fine arts—can be integrated and actually used as part of daily life, making that life a richer, more meaningful whole. The philosopher, likewise, reaches for a deeper understanding of her medium, in this case, life itself, exploring what it might mean to live a life that is a rich and meaningful whole.

In this tandem we will read our way in historical order through some highlights of western philosophical attempts to discover, by deploying our capacity for abstract thought, what goes into fashioning a meaningful life in the face of what can sometimes seem to be a mad, mad world. Along the way, we will discuss the nature of beauty and creativity, learning what we can from the very concrete activity of bringing aesthetically satisfying meaning forth in the studio through both hand building and throwing on the wheel. Assignments in one class will in many cases connect directly to those in the other, allowing us plenty of opportunity for exploring the connections between these two challenging and engaging disciplines.  

We live in a world that can dazzle us with beauty but also threaten us with chaos.  Even the most orderly of lives can unexpectedly veer out of control, and the most rational of activities take on aspects of madness.  How are we to make our way in such a world? Is there some underlying pattern in the mad whirl? Can we find meaning in the mayhem? Questions concerning life's meaning and purpose lie at the heart of all serious philosophical inquiry.  In this course we will explore the possibilities for meaning offered by the conceptual frameworks of western philosophy.  Whether we are wrestling with Socrates' response to the collapse of Athenian democracy or Descartes' response to the collapse of the medieval worldview, our concern throughout will be to articulate our own responses to the questions that matter most.  This course also provides students the opportunity to earn the W.

PHIL 234 Hopeful Citizenship for the 21st Century (3) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
Democracy is in trouble. We're getting more polarized, less likely to trust neighbors and co-workers who vote differently from us, and more likely to get our info from social media where disinformation and bias are rampant. Is there hope for democracy with all this bad news? Luckily, philosophy offers us tools to build ourselves into hopeful citizens who can respond in our personal lives and our communities. This course will address the crises that threaten democracy and help students develop skills and practical strategies for becoming hopeful citizens. We'll investigate our usage of social media, learn skills to dialogue with those with whom we disagree, develop critical thinking skills for evaluating arguments, and engage with important contemporary and historical questions about how to live together in a democracy. This course also satisfies an LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar.

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Religious Traditions

RLST 101 Introducing Religious Studies: World Religions in Dialogue (3)
How can learning about religion help us understand others, our world, and ourselves? This writing-intensive course will explore that question as we gain a sound basic understanding of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and the nature of religion. We’ll take three main approaches. First, we’ll practice scholarly tools that will help us understand religions, others, and ourselves better. Second, we’ll learn some of the major concepts that make these religions distinctive, and perhaps make them similar as well. Finally, we’ll examine how religions and interreligious dialogue are portrayed in different kinds of media, including contemporary news stories. This course also satisfies LO3 Intercultural Competence .

RLST 101W Introducing Religious Studies: World Religions in Dialogue (4)
The content of this course is similar to that of RLST 101 Introducing Religious Studies: World Religions in Dialogue. In addition, students will have the opportunity to develop skills needed for college-level and professional writing. This course also satisfies LO3 Intercultural Competence and provides students the opportunity to earn the W. 

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Historical Perspectives

ART 241 Art History Survey I (3)
A survey of the historical development of Western and non-­Western art and architecture beginning with the Neolithic period and leading up to the thirteenth century. We will study works of art in their cultural contexts in order to gain an understanding of the purpose, meaning, and significance of works of art to those who made and used them. Emphasis will be placed on the exchange of knowledge, ideas, forms, and iconography across cultures over time, and the subsequent change in the meaning and significance of these when put to new uses in new contexts. We will discuss current issues and debates in art history, such as responsible collection practices and repatriation of art objects. We will relate the aesthetic experiences and values of cultures from our period of study to contemporary culture. Over the course of the semester, students will develop their own analysis of the purpose, meaning, and significance of a single art object that they have viewed in a museum, and which dates from the chronological period the course covers. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices and LO3 Global Learning.

ENVS 161 Introduction to Environmental Studies (3)
An interdisciplinary course on the systemic interaction of human beings with their environments. It identifies interests informing environmental decisions and introduces practices of environmental advocacy. This course also satisfies LO3 Global Learning and LO3 Social Responsibility.

ENVS 161 Keepers and Stewards: Our Planet, our Community (3) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
An interdisciplinary course on the systemic interaction of human beings with their environments. It identifies interests informing environmental decisions and introduces practices of environmental advocacy. This course also satisfies LO3 Global Learning and LO3 Social Responsibility.

GWS 207 Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies (3)
This interdisciplinary course introduces students to the field of gender and women’s studies. The course will enable students to understand how gender impacts their everyday lives, social institutions, and cultural practices both locally and globally. Additionally, students will examine the significance and meaning of one’s gender identity in different historical periods, the history of feminist movements, and transnational perspectives on feminism. Students will also discuss how gender intersects with other identity categories such as socioeconomic class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, geography, and generational location. Lastly, students will examine and critique cultural representations and claims about women and gender identities. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices, LO3 Global Learning and LO3 Social Responsibility.

HUST 205 Women's Histories, Women's Rights (3) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
What is the real story behind iconic women like Joan of Arc, Elizabeth I, Abigail Adams, Rosa Parks, and Jackie Kennedy? This course takes an in-depth look at these women and others who have been ranked among the most inspirational women of all time. We will examine the stories of these women as well as add to the list of “worthies” by creating their own pantheon of women for the 21st century. The course emphasizes classroom discussion supplemented by occasional lectures, films, and slides. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices, LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar and LO3 Social Responsibility.

ICS 201 Introduction to Intercultural Studies (3)
This course provides an introduction to understanding the cultural construction of individual and collective identities such as race, class, gender, sexuality, and religion. We will begin by establishing a theoretical understanding of what culture is and how it operates, both globally and locally. And then we will examine how colonization and imperialism impact cultural conflict in the US and around the world. Key issues covered include how race has been constructed historically and culturally; how power and privilege perpetuate interpersonal, systemic, and institutional racism; and how to challenge racism and other forms of oppression. By the end of the semester, students will have a foundation for understanding and addressing inequality in our interconnected world. This course also satisfies LO3 Intercultural Competence.

MUS 243 Latin American and Latino Popular Music (3)
The term Popular Music in Latin-America describes several dozen different musical styles originated or related to Latin America, the Caribbean and the Latino Population in the US. This course is an introduction to Latin American popular music through a survey that will provide a broad and comprehensive panorama on these styles. We will talk about the main composers and performers, geographical location, history as well as cultural and sociopolitical backgrounds of each style. In addition to that we will address lyrics and musical characteristics such as instrumentation and rhythmic patterns of selected musical examples to shape our understanding of the music. Students from all disciplines may take the course. No prior knowledge of music, Spanish or Portuguese is required.  This course also satisfies LO3 Global Learning and LO3 Intercultural Competence.

THTR 190 Special Topics in Theatre: Musical Theater Appreciation (3)
The Broadway Musical is a unique, influential and popular art form that has come into being only in the last half of the 20th century.  Students in this course will discover the range of the Broadway Musical from 1940 to the present and will develop a deeper understanding of the components which make the musical function as a unique art form.  They will study the place of female characters and performers in the genre.   And they will become familiar with the ways that the musical has both reflected, hindered and advanced the place of women, heteronormativity and queer consciousness in the larger US and world society.  Students will expand their enjoyment of the musical by developing a deeper understanding of how the musical developed, how it interacts with society now and what makes this powerful art form unique.

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Science for the Citizen

Natural Sciences

BIO 141 Human Anatomy and Physiology I  (4)
First of a two-part sequence for the intended nursing major that details human anatomy and physiology from an organ system approach. This course will cover the chemical basis of cells, cell microscopy, and tissue types as well as the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system (including special senses). Course content will also include discussions about health/disease issues of concern as they pertain to the current course material. Laboratory content will include use of the scientific method as well as acquisition and application of knowledge pertaining to physiological processes as discussed in lecture. Offered fall semester for first-year intended nursing majors; three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. Note: $100 lab fee applies. For nursing intended majors.

BIO 155 Foundations of Molecular Biology (2)
A survey of foundational concepts in biology, with a focus on molecular biology. Part of the introductory Foundations of Biology courses for biology majors, but available to non-majors as well. This course will cover an introduction to biochemistry, the organic molecules important for life, and classical Mendelian and modern genetics. A half-semester course that must be taken with a lab. NOTE: $50 lab fee applies. For biology and chemistry intended majors. Two Foundation courses must be completed to fulfill Sophia learning outcomes.

BIO 156 Foundations of Ecology and Evolution (2)
A survey of foundational concepts in biology, with a focus on ecology and evolution. Part of the introductory Biology Foundations courses for biology majors, but available to non-majors as well. This course will cover how organisms interact with one another and their environment, the dynamic functioning of ecosystems, the origin and diversification of life on Earth, and the evolutionary forces that shape patterns of biodiversity within populations and across lineages. A half-semester course that must be taken with a lab. NOTE: $50 lab fee appliesFor biology and chemistry intended majors. Two Foundation courses must be completed to fulfill Sophia learning outcomes.

CHEM 121 Principles of Chemistry I (4)
An introduction to chemical stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure, and bonding. Laboratory will explore principles presented in lecture. Three-hour lecture and one three-hour laboratory. Prerequisite: high school chemistry or permission of the instructor; students must be calculus-ready. NOTE: $100 lab fee applies. For biology, chemistry, physics and engineering intended majors. This course also satisfies the LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar and LO3 Women's Voices.

PHYS 103 Science of the Olympics (3)
Faster, Higher, Stronger: Science of Olympic Sports is a topics course for students majoring in non-science disciplines which fulfills the Natural Science general education requirement. In this course, we will discuss real-life examples of physics in the sports of the summer Olympic games. Through examination of a wide variety of sports, including track & field, gymnastics, swimming, soccer, and basketball, you will learn physics concepts such as force, momentum, torque, and pressure while gaining a deeper appreciation of the performance of Olympic athletes.

PHYS 111 College Physics I: Mechanics  (4)
An introduction to mechanics. This is the first semester of a two-part algebra-based physics sequence. Three-hour lecture and two-hour laboratory. Prerequisite: MATH 103. NOTE: $100 lab fee applies. Primarily for students in biology, neuroscience, speech language pathology, and environmental studies.

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Social Science I 

ANTH 253 Survey I: Culture and Language (3)
A survey of sociocultural anthropology and anthropological linguistics. The course takes a comparative approach to the study of culture. Topics include: family, kinship, and marriage; cultural ecology and economics; political organization; gender roles and socialization; religion and ritual; and culture change. Basic concepts, methods of research, and analytic perspectives are introduced. This course also satisfies LO3 Social Responsibility, LO3 Global Learning, and LO3 Intercultural Competence.

ENVS 217 Environmental Policy  (3)
This course introduces the processes by which policy is made at local, state, national, and international levels of government with attention to the special challenges of creating sound environmental policy. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of policies currently in place and prepares students to intervene constructively in the formation of environmental policy. This course also satisfies LO3 Social Responsibility.

POSC 151W Issues in Political Community (4) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
This course introduces students to important questions about and issues facing political communities. It explores what kinds of questions should be considered “political” and why; it also explores some of the real-world implications of current issues for political communities. This course also satisfies LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar and provides students the opportunity to earn the W.

POSC 160W Global Political Issues (4)
This course will introduce students to some of the most important contemporary global political issues such as the impact of economic globalization on politics and culture, the sources of war and political conflict, gender inequality, poverty, United States foreign policy, and the role of international institutions.

POSC 201 American Politics  (3)
This course serves as an introductory survey of the major principles, institutions, processes, functions, and behavioral patterns of the American political system. It helps students to develop a broad, diverse, and articulate base of knowledge and understanding of American politics and government.

PSYC 156 Introduction to Psychology: Culture and Systems (3)
An introductory survey of theories, topics, and applications in psychology. Courses cover a wide range of classic and contemporary topics in psychology, which may include: brain and behavior, child development, thinking and intelligence, social influences on behavior and psychological disorders. The 156 course is organized around systems of thought and social science concepts that identify biological, psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, and sociocultural approaches to psychological topics. Students will recognize the impact of human diversity, and learn that psychological explanations vary across populations and contexts. A student cannot earn credit for both PSYC 156 and PSYC 157.

Race and ethnic identity have played and continue to play an important role in shaping the nation’s political policies, social relationships, and cultural beliefs. In this course students will consider how race and ethnicity are socially constructed, what is meant by racism and racial/ethnic identity, how laws like Affirmative Action or immigration policies impact specific racial and ethnic groups, and how race/ethnicity shapes one’s experiences in various social institutions such as school, work, family, and the legal system. Over the semester students will develop a sociological understanding of the structural and cultural barriers experienced by various racial and ethnic groups in the United States, and students will discuss social policies focused on achieving racial equity. This course also satisfies LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar, LO3 Social Responsibility and LO3 Intercultural Competence. 

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Social Science II 

ECON 252 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
Microeconomics examines the various segments contained in the circular flow — consumer behavior, production, how firms behave in various product markets, labor markets and their resulting income issues and why the market fails, at times, to provide efficient results. How market forces allocate limited output to best satisfy society’s changing unlimited wants is central. A strong emphasis is placed on real-world business applications to show the importance of economic analysis and business decision making. This is a required course for business and economics majors. 

PSYC 157 Introduction to Psychology: Science for the Citizen (3)
An introductory survey of theories, topics and applications in psychology. Courses cover a wide range of classic and contemporary topics in psychology, which may include: brain and behavior, child development, thinking and intelligence, social influences on behavior, and psychological disorders. The 157 course emphasizes social science methodology and, therefore, students will conduct basic studies to address psychological questions using appropriate research methods. A student cannot earn credit for both PSYC 156 and PSYC 157.

PSYC 157 Psychology for (College) Life (3) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
An introductory survey of theories, topics and applications in psychology. Courses cover a wide range of classic and contemporary topics in psychology, which may include: brain and behavior, child development, thinking and intelligence, social influences on behavior, and psychological disorders. The 157 course emphasizes social science methodology and, therefore, students will conduct basic studies to address psychological questions using appropriate research methods. A student cannot earn credit for both PSYC 156 and PSYC 157This course also satisfies LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar.

SOC 203 Climate Change: A Global Social Problem (3) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
This course focuses on some of the phenomena that have been identified as social problems in the United States. Among the issues discussed are poverty, gender and racial stratification,  hyperconsumerism, changing family structures, inequality in the educational system, health care issues, the work environment, drug abuse, and crime. Particular attention will be given to the role of the social structure in the creation and perpetuation of social problems, and how social problems are interrelated. This course also satisfies LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar, LO3 Global Learning, and LO3 Social Responsibility.

SOC 222 Contested Masculinities  (3)
This course is an introduction to various forms of masculinity, how masculinities are constructed and performed by individuals, and how individual performativities create larger social and cultural understandings of masculinity in specific historical, social, and cultural settings.

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Arts for Living

Creative and Performing Arts

ART 101 Drawing I (3)
This is a broad foundation course that introduces a variety of drawing techniques, approaches and subject matter. A focus on observational drawing improves the student's ability to "see" (visual perception) and develops technical drawing skills. Projects are designed to enhance the understanding and use of formal elements, principles and composition while exploring drawing's creative and expressive potential. subject matter includes still life, landscape, interiors, and the figure. Studio projects are augmented by critiques, visual presentations and discussion. Sketchbook/journal required.

ART 103 Design Lab (3)
The main goal of Design Lab I is to solve design (world?) problems through creative design solutions. In learning how to visually communicate in imaginative ways, you’re seeking to radically alter how people look at and perceive the world around them. You will become an effective and imaginative cultural producer. For this course, students will use some of the digital creative software found in the Adobe Creative Suite, as well as other digital software. Other techniques include collage, drawing, photography, printmaking, and videography.

As a Critical Thinking Seminar-designated course (or CTS), students will critically analyze and discuss the power of design solutions (images, objects, interactivity) in light of design components (form, composition, balance, shape, space, color, for example). This course foregrounds the process of design in a variety of ways, namely through creative projects. You’ll create your design solutions through a combination of form and content, and in a variety of contexts. In other words, you will integrate visual information with meaning or message, in a presentation method. Your creative work will always be discussed in light of, and at times be presented to, the general public or an audience. What can your audience learn about the world through your design work? How do they learn it? What can (or will) they do as a result of what they’re learning? This course also satisfies the LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar.

ART 125 Silkscreen (3)
An exploration into photographic and hand generated screen printing. Students create stencils using various techniques and employ these stencils in printing multi-colored designs. The course assists students in developing their knowledge of color and its application within varied disciplines. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices.

ART 211W Living Through Clay (3.5) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
A unit of the tandem The Art of Living, taken in conjunction with PHIL 110W Finding Meaning in the Madness (CRN 72113). Both ceramics and philosophy are arts. The ceramicist, as artist, reaches for a deeper understanding of her medium. Her aim is to realize the potentials in clay through the creation of artifacts that—perhaps more frequently than those produced in any other of the fine arts—can be integrated and actually used as part of daily life, making that life a richer, more meaningful whole. The philosopher, likewise, reaches for a deeper understanding of her medium, in this case, life itself, exploring what it might mean to live a life that is a rich and meaningful whole.

In this tandem we will read our way in historical order through some highlights of western philosophical attempts to discover, by deploying our capacity for abstract thought, what goes into fashioning a meaningful life in the face of what can sometimes seem to be a mad, mad world. Along the way, we will discuss the nature of beauty and creativity, learning what we can from the very concrete activity of bringing aesthetically satisfying meaning forth in the studio through both hand building and throwing on the wheel. Assignments in one class will in many cases connect directly to those in the other, allowing us plenty of opportunity for exploring the connections between these two challenging and engaging disciplines.  

This is an introductory course in basic ceramic techniques and creative processes that use clay as an expressive medium.  The semester is divided into two major sections.  Section one: hand building and section two: throwing on the potter’s wheel and glazing/finishing.  This course also provides students the opportunity to earn the W. 

ART 216 Introduction to Furniture Design (3)
Introduction to Furniture Design focuses on the design and construction of furniture and functional objects within the context of contemporary culture. It integrates creative problem solving with technical and material processes in order to build objects that are ergonomic and interactive. Students will learn a process of design that evolves from sketch, to model -or- prototype, and finally to a finished, usable object. Design for social good and sustainability will also be a departure point for creative projects. Creative projects and technical demonstrations will be augmented by lectures on the history of furniture design and contemporary approaches to functional object-making.

ART 224 Video Art  (3)
This course introduces the medium of video as an art form and will explore, in theory and practice, issues of space, time and action. Proficiencies in camera use, storyboarding, lighting, digital editing and presentation will be developed. The use of video for artistic expression will be supported by readings and the viewing and discussion of works by video artists. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices.

ART 236 Sustainable Textiles  (3)
Due to use of pesticides and chemicals, land degradation, depletion of fossil fuels, release of harmful emissions, and production of wastewater, the global textile industry is said to be one of the most unsustainable. This course will investigate the environmental and ethical issues surrounding the textile and fashion industry and the positive contribution we can make as artists, designers and consumers. We will consider the innovative, multidisciplinary field of green design and the exciting work being done by contemporary artists, architects, designers, scientists and engineers to create sustainable solutions and bring the public’s attention to environmental concerns. Examples of studio projects can include handmade paper from local plants and discarded cloth, eco­dyeing and printing, the re­purposing and upcycling of salvaged materials, and/or the design of portable, textile shelters that incorporate renewable energy. This course also satisfies LO3 Social Responsibility.

ART 266 Introduction to New Media (3)
An introduction to the new visual technologies and basic concepts (mechanical, visual, and aesthetic) for their creative use in the visual arts. Those fields may include photography, film, video, computer imagery, holography and other contemporary media. Students will be introduced to these media through lectures, direct laboratory experience, discussion, and creative problem-solving projects.

COMM 103 Introduction to Communication (3)
Students develop an increased competency in communicating with precision and style, and also have the opportunity to think critically and creatively about the process of communication. Major topics in communication theory and practice are surveyed in addition to a focus on public speaking.  Section 72006 also satisfies LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar; 72148 also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices and LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar; 72155 satisfies an  LO2 Women’s Voices.

COMM 103W Introduction to Communication (4)
Essentially, students in COMM 103W Introduction to Communications explore one central question: What is human communication? While it is true that humans use verbal “message-and-response” interchanges, we will discover that communication is a sophisticated, ongoing process. This will lead us to other questions: When and where does human communication occur? How has it shaped centuries of human development? What makes us choose one form of communication — email, text messages, etc. — over another? What are the effects of each medium of communication on the quality of our messages? This course also provides students the opportunity to earn the W. Section 72205 also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices.

Multiple dance courses may be used to satisfy the Creative and Performing Arts requirement as long as they add up to at least three credit hours. Students receive two credits for technique courses taken for the first time and one credit for subsequent enrollment in the same level technique course.

DANC 145 Ballet Technique: Beginning (2)
An introduction to basic ballet technique and terminology. Designed for students with no previous movement training. May be repeated for one credit.

DANC 148 Jazz Technique: Beginning (2)
A practical course in contemporary jazz technique hip hop and lyrical styles. May be repeated for one credit.

DANC 245 Ballet Technique: Intermediate (2)
A technique course with an emphasis on correct alignment and proper execution of barre and center exercises. May be repeated for one credit.

DANC 345 Ballet Technique: Advanced (2)
A continuation of ballet technique with an emphasis on accuracy, style, intricate combinations, strength, endurance, and a more extensive vocabulary; may be repeated for one credit.

ENVS 232 DIY: The Sustainable City Project (3) FIRST YEAR SEMINAR COURSE 
Most of the world’s population – 4.4 billion inhabitants – live in cities. And predictions are for the urban population to more than doubling its current size by 2050, at which point nearly 7 of 10 people will live in cities (World Bank, 2024). Rapid urban growth drives many challenges including unchecked urban sprawl, accelerated climate change, access to affordable housing and transportation, available jobs and basic services, and food production.

This course addresses the future of cities through the urban design and planning for sustainability and livability. The fundamentals of urban design are explored at varied
scales and within varied contexts of the built environment. Students are introduced to emerging trends in urban sustainability through an interdisciplinary lens in which they
explore solutions for sustainable cities in the context of a real-world project in the South Bend area.

Topics include public architecture, urban landscapes, open space and parks, multi-modal transportation, affordable housing and services, community health and safety, land use policy and regulations, real estate, and the impact of climate change. The process of urban design is explored including the role of multiple stakeholders - government, private sector, non-profit organizations, schools, neighborhoods, and the public. The neighborhood as human ecosystem is featured as a fundamental building block of cities and regions.

The course is conducted in a collaborative workshop environment in which students engage in the design of a solution to a real urbanization challenge.  Students are given
tools, resources, and an opportunity to practice their group facilitation skills through teamwork, shared dialogue, asking questions, presenting scenarios, and challenging ideas in pursuit of solutions. At the end of the course, students present their final project ideas and work products to a panel of faculty and professionals. This course also satisfies LO3 Social Responsibility.

ENWR 202 Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
In Introduction to Creative Writing, you will learn to write poetry, literary short fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as to critically read works in all three genres.  This will be accomplished through reading assignments, in-class writing assignments, full-class workshops, and class discussions of assigned readings and craft techniques.  Class time will be split between discussion, in-class writing exercises, and full-class workshops.

ENWR 202W Introduction to Creative Writing (4) 
This special section of Introduction to Creative Writing will teach you the basics of writing poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction, while also fulfilling the "W" requirement. Every student will write original, creative work in all three genres, and we'll use the fourth hour to write a series of thesis-driven papers related to creative writing that will help fulfill the requirements of the "W" portfolio. Class time will be split between reading published works of poetry, fiction and nonfiction, writing exercises designed to teach you the basics of creative writing, and full-class workshops. This class will help you strengthen your writing skills at large, learn about the arts, and practice creatively-focused, imaginative problem solving. This course provides students the opportunity to earn the W.

MUS 111–131 Applied Music: Private Lessons — Instrumental or Voice (1–2 credits)
Multiple courses may be used to satisfy the Creative and Performing Arts requirement as long as they add up to at least three credit hours. Lessons are offered for voice, piano, and all brass, string, woodwind and percussion instruments. Fees are $415 per semester for a half-hour lesson a week (one semester hour of credit), and $620 per semester for a 50-minute lesson a week (two semester hours of credit).

MUS 150 Voices in Time: A Critical Thinking Seminar (3)
This course will study the contributions women have made to the field of human knowledge and art by composing and performing music. We will consider the genesis and creation of a work, the historical/political climate in which it was created, the personal story of the composer or performing artist at the center of the work, the reception of the work and its influence on society; all facets of a critical understanding of an informed reading or performance. This course also satisfies LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar and an LO2 Women's Voices.


Students may enroll for ensemble courses that offer one hour of credit per semester. Auditions are required before acceptance into any of the choral ensembles. After you arrive on campus, sign up for an audition appointment in Moreau Hall, Room 309. If you are selected for one of the groups, you may add the course to your schedule through PRISM or at Student Academic Services (166 Le Mans Hall).

MUS 201 Collegiate Choir (1)
A treble choir that performs primarily on campus. Goals include developing excellent individual and group tone quality, working toward clear and proper diction, and strengthening aural and music reading abilities. Performs quality treble repertoire, both sacred and secular, in 2–4 parts. Membership by audition only. Auditions will take place during August orientation through the first week of classes.

MUS 203 Belles Voix (1)
This is the College’s select treble ensemble which performs music of all periods with an emphasis on new music. The choir regularly commissions and records new works, takes national concert tours every other year, and makes regular Carnegie Hall appearances. The ensemble performs biennially with the South Bend Symphony Orchestra and hosts the annual High School Treble Choir Festival. Membership is by audition only which will take place during August orientation through the first week of classes. 

THTR 135 Introduction to Theatre (3)
This course is designed to introduce students to the art, practice, and enjoyment of theatre. Participants will learn through lecture, assigned readings, hands-on exercises, and demonstrations about the elements of a theatrical production. As often as possible, students will be invited to learn about the theatre by “doing” (i.e. acting in a scene rather than simply talking about it). The course structure assumes that while the student may never choose to participate in a play she will, hopefully, enjoy attending the theatre long after the course ends.

THTR 205 Introduction to Acting (3)
Exploration of the elements of a realistic acting technique using games, improvisations and exercises, culminating in two-character scenes later in the semester. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices.

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Professional Arts

HUST 220 Humanities at Work: Using Your Humanities Training in the 21st Century (3)
This class will help you connect the dots between your love of books and your curiosity about life after college, between analyzing a text and analyzing a data set. It will equip you with answers to big questions like what do we mean when we say the "humanities," and what can you do with a degree in English or History? The class features discussion as well as digital and project-based assignments. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices.

SLP 220 Introduction to Communicative Disorders (3)
A study of the causes, characteristics, and treatments of speech, language, and hearing disorders. Course content also includes speech and language development and suggestions for living and working with those who have communicative disorders. For speech language pathology intended majors. This course also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices, LO3 Social Responsibility, and LO3 Academic Experiential Learning.

SW 202 Introduction to Social Work (3)
This course is an introduction to the profession of social work through an exploration of social work issues related to increasing the well being of, and making a difference with, individuals, families, groups, communities, organizations, and society. Course includes an examination of social work global and national practices, case studies, policies, values and ethics, research, and literature of social work. Overview of the different fields in which social workers engage in leadership positions and participate in interdisciplinary practice with other professionals.  This includes medical/health care social work, military/VA social work, public policy analysis and planning, political social work, program administration, clinical/mental health social work (psychotherapy and counseling), criminal justice (forensic) social work, school social work, gerontological social work, child welfare/family services social work, including social work practice with trauma-informed care and the application of neuroscience, disability advocacy/accommodation, international social work, and environmental/ecological justice. This course is excellent preparation for entry into any field, taught by faculty who have experience in the field, and also satisfies an LO2 Women’s Voices and LO3 Social Responsibility. Section 71352 also satisfies LO2 Critical Thinking Seminar.

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Mathematical Arts

If you wish to select a mathematics course for the first semester, the following courses are offered. Suggestions for the appropriate course according to high school background, aptitude, interests, and performance on the math placement test are given with each description. 

The Mathematics department will determine a recommended math course placement based on your scores and previous math experience.   Questions related to placement should be sent to mathplacement@saintmarys. edu.

The following outlines the placement process. Note that if you are placed in to a particular group you are eligible to take all of the courses within that group and all courses in groups with a lower number. The department offers a placement exam as a means of qualifying for certain courses in the event that a student does not meet any of the other qualifying criteria. These exams are not required for all students.

Placement Process

Group 1 Courses: Math 101, Math 102
No placement requirements

Group 2 Courses: Math 103, Math 104
Placement requirements - one of the following:

  • Precalculus or equivalent in high school
  • College credit for a course equivalent to Math 101
  • 560 or better on Math SAT
  • 23 or better on the Math ACT
  • 70% or better on the Algebra placement exam

Group 3 Courses: Math 113, Math 114, Math 131
Placement requirements - one of the following:

  • Calculus or equivalent in high school
  • College credit for the equivalent of Math 103
  • Precalculus or the equivalent in high school and 620 or better on the Math SAT
  • Precalculus or the equivalent in high school and 26 or better on the MATH ACT
  • Precalculus or the equivalent in high school and 70% or better on the Precalculus placement exam

Group 4 Courses: Math 132, Math 133
Placement requirements - one of the following:

  • College credit for the equivalent of Math 131
  • 4 or better on the Calculus AB AP exam
  • Calculus in high school and 680 or better on the Math SAT
  • Calculus in high school and 29 or higher on the Math ACT

Students wishing to enroll in a calculus course (MATH 113 Survey of Calculus, MATH 131 Calculus I) that are in need of more preparation (as shown by previous academic background and performance on the math placement test) must successfully complete MATH 103 Precalculus  before enrolling.  Note that MATH 101 may be required to take MATH 103 if a student places at that level.

MATH 101 College Algebra (3)
This course can be used as a prerequisite for MATH 103 and MATH 104. This course will cover topics in algebra that are needed for future courses. Topics will include basic algebraic concepts, linear equations and systems, polynomials, rational functions, absolute values, roots, and linear, polynomial and rational function inequalities. This course does not fulfill the Sophia Program requirement in Mathematical Arts.

MATH 102 Liberal Arts Mathematics (3)
This course focuses on mathematical modeling through the use of graph theory. Topics include graphs, directed graphs, trees, matchings, and network flows. With the exception of MATH 118, this course is not a prerequisite for any other course at Saint Mary's.

MATH 103 Precalculus (3)
This course is a study of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions from the symbolic, numeric, and graphical perspectives that provides a solid preparation for a college-level calculus course. Recommended for students who need a calculus course for their program of study but who are not yet ready for the calculus course. Note that if a student places below the second group, then MATH 101 will be required before taking MATH 103.  This course does not fulfill the Sophia Program requirement in Mathematical Arts. This course is offered during the summer term from June 24th through August 5th and also in fall semester.  It is not offered spring semester.

MATH 104 Finite Mathematics (3)
Set theory, counting techniques, probability, random variables, expected value, variance, standard deviation, and linear programming are all covered in this course.

MATH 113 Survey of Calculus (4)
One semester survey of differential and integral calculus designed primarily for liberal arts students and those in the professional programs. Limits are treated intuitively. Emphasis on applications in biology, economics, and other disciplines.

MATH 114 Introduction to Statistics (3)
This course is currently being offered in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. Introduction to basic sampling and experimental design. Basics of probability, random variables, and probability distributions. Sampling distributions. Estimation and hypothesis testing for means and proportions. Statistical software will be used. Prerequisite: MATH 104 or MATH 113 or equivalent. This course does not fulfill the Sophia Program requirement in Mathematical Arts.

MATH 131 Calculus I (4)
This course covers algebraic and transcendental functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, maxima and minima, concavity, related rates, Mean Value Theorem, anti-differentiation, Riemann sums, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The course is based on graphical, numerical, and symbolic points of view. Graphing calculators are used throughout the course. Note: There is a problem session offered for this course every Wednesday at the same time as the class is taught on Monday. The problem session is optional, but it is highly recommended that students keep this time free in their schedules so that they may attend the problem session.

MATH 132 Calculus II (4)
This is the continuation of Calculus I. It includes the techniques of integration, applications of the integral, and sequences and series. Graphing calculators are used throughout the course. Note: There is a problem session offered for this course every Wednesday at the same time as the class is taught on Monday. The problem session is optional, but it is highly recommended that students keep this time free in their schedules so that they may attend the problem session. Students should register for this course as a first math course only if they have credit for Calculus I or placed into the course. This course does not fulfill the Sophia Program requirement in Mathematical Arts. However, students who have the equivalent of two semesters of AP calculus in high school with strong supporting test scores may be placed into MATH 132 in consultation with the Math Placement Advisor. Students who are placed into MATH 132 and earn a grade of C or higher are eligible to receive credit for MATH 131 Calculus I.

MATH 133 Theory and Application of Calculus (4)
This course is designed for students who have completed a full year of calculus in high school at the AP or equivalent level and have mastered the mechanics of differentiation and integration. Students who have taken the Math AP AB Exam should have a score of at least a 41. Students who have not taken the AP test should have two semesters of calculus at or above the AP level in high school and at least a 680 on the Math SAT or a 29 on the Math ACT. The basic concepts of calculus, including limits, derivatives, integrals, sequences, and series, will be explored in depth. The content of a full-year college- level calculus sequence is included in this one-semester course. The emphasis of the course is on understanding the theory of calculus and constructing mathematical models. Graphing calculators are used throughout the course. It is typically followed by MATH 231 Calculus III. Note: There is a problem session offered for this course every Wednesday at the same time as the class is taught on Monday. The problem session is optional, but it is highly recommended that students keep this time free in their schedules so that they may attend the problem session. This course is offered only in the fall semester.

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Elective Course Offerings Fall 2024

Communication Studies

COMM 260 Film and Video Production (3)
The course focuses on the video production process by introducing students to the use of video cameras and microphones, the basic principles of lighting for video, the use of non-linear editing software, the mechanics of delivering video content to social media and online platforms. The emphasis of the course is on visual storytelling techniques and elements of contemporary communication theory that are useful for crafting and conveying messages to well-defined audiences over the medium of video.


In addition to the dance courses listed under Creative and Performing Arts, the following course is available for elective credit. For both Sophia and elective dance courses, students receive two credit hours for technique courses taken for the first time and one credit hour for subsequent enrollment in the same level technique course. All two-credit technique courses include an academic component: required and recommended literary sources, as well as written midterm and final examinations that test knowledge of terminology and movement concepts.

DANC 243  Dance Ensemble Workshop (DEW)  (1-3)  

The ensemble functions as the student dance company in residence. The dancers meet on a regular basis for technique classes, master classes and rehearsals with faculty and guest choreographers. D.E.W. presents an annual concert. Variable credit offered for performance and production. Performance students must be concurrently enrolled in a technique class. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits. By audition/permission only.


EDUC 100  Strategies for Academic Success (2)  
What constitutes a “successful education”? Good grades? A diploma? Being prepared for a career after graduation? Certainly, these elements (among many others) constitute necessary aspects of educational success, but they are also largely extrinsic motivators that function as rewards to be attained at the end of a particular journey. Indeed, such rewards are powerful incentives that can propel us to succeed in college and beyond. In this course, however, we will also consider the value of intrinsic motivations related to education and examine how we might benefit in all aspects of our lives by privileging those habits of mind that lead us to become life-long learners.

In EDUC 100, we will value the learning process over the accumulated products of education as we assess how collaboration, creativity, metacognition and research-informed learning practices can assist us in and out of the classroom. Students will examine various approaches to learning and education, always with an eye toward defining (and employing) their own “best practices” in relation to their individual definitions of academic success.


MUS 101  Class Piano - Beginners  (1)  

Beginning piano for those with no previous keyboard experience, using the electronic piano lab. Designed to develop music skills through correlation of music fundamentals with beginning piano literature, including folk songs, holiday songs, easy classics, and blues.

MUS 111–131 Applied Music: Private Lessons — Instrumental or Voice (1–2 credits) Lessons are offered for voice, piano, and all brass, string, woodwind and percussion instruments. Fees are $415 per semester for a half-hour lesson a week (one semester hour of credit), and $620 per semester for a 50-minute lesson a week (two semester hours of credit). These lessons fulfill LO1 Creative and Performing Arts.

MUS 201 Collegiate Choir (1)
A treble choir that performs primarily on campus. Goals include developing excellent individual and group tone quality, working toward clear and proper diction, and strengthening aural and music reading abilities. Performs quality treble repertoire, both sacred and secular, in 2–4 parts. Membership by audition only. Auditions will take place during August orientation through the first week of classes. This class fulfills LO1 Creative and Performing Arts.

MUS 203 Belles Voix (1)
This is the College’s select treble ensemble which performs music of all periods with an emphasis on new music. The choir regularly commissions and records new works, takes national concert tours every other year, and makes regular Carnegie Hall appearances. The ensemble performs biennially with the South Bend Symphony Orchestra and hosts the annual High School Treble Choir Festival. Membership is by audition only which will take place during August orientation through the first week of classes.  This class fulfills LO1 Creative and Performing Arts.

MUS 206  String Ensemble  (1)  

String Ensemble is a non-auditioned string (winds and percussion will be allowed when appropriate) ensemble open to all members of the college community. The course includes the study and performance of significant string literature. May be repeated for credit.

For information on additional ensembles at area colleges and universities, please call the Department of Music at (574) 284-4632.

Physical Education

The Physical Education Department offers selected activity courses based on student needs and interests. These courses are offered throughout the day and week to satisfy a broad range of fitness interests. 

Physical education classes and participation in intercollegiate athletics carry one-half semester hour of elective credit. One semester hour of credit may be applied to graduation. The following courses are available during fall semester 2024:

PE 050PE Activity (Tone It - arms, abs, legs).5
PE 050PE Activity (Yoga).5
PE 050PE Activity (Spin).5
THTR 375 Rehearsal, Performance, and Production (1 to 3)
Rehearsal and performance of a faculty-directed production. The Fall ’24 production is “The Play That Goes Wrong.” Participation as an assistant director, stage manager, crew member, or actor in a 5-7 week rehearsal/performance period. Prerequisite: Audition, permission of the instructor

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