College Services

Advising Office (Student Academic Services)
Accessibility Resource Office
Career Crossings Office
Cushwa-Leighton Library
Directory Information for First Year Students
Mary Lee Sheftic Health and Counseling Center
Math Center
Office for Student Success
Pre-Health Professions Advising
Pre-Law Professions Advising
Writing & Tutoring Center 

Advising Office (Student Academic Services)

Our advisors assist first-year students in curricular planning and help facilitate the transition from high school to college. Our services include the following:

Advising and Helping with Course Selection

Faculty advisors and advisors in the Advising Office will help plan your class schedule each semester.

Administering Academic Policies

A number of academic policies may affect you during your first year of college. Please visit the Advising Office for help with any academic policy including: excused absences, final exam changes, questions regarding transfer credit and credit by exam, and withdrawals from a course.

Assisting with Academic Adjustments

We encourage you to stop by our office to ask questions and discuss any concerns during your first year. At Saint Mary’s all departments are here to help; we want your transition into college life to be as smooth as possible.

Location and Contacts

The Advising Office is located in 166 Le Mans Hall.
For more information, please contact our office at (574) 284-4594 or

Karen Chambers, PhD
Dean of Student Academic Services

Tracy White
Director of Advising

Kari McCloud
Senior Academic Advisor

Lexie Rhinehart
Academic Advisor

Julia Van Arsdale
Academic Advisor

Hasmig Johnson


The Accessibility Resource Office provides assistance and reasonable accommodations for students who are substantially limited by a diagnosed disability. Upon admission, students must self-disclose and request academic or housing related accommodations. Students who believe they qualify for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, should contact the office at and an application and instruction will be provided.

You may also contact Eric Wagenfeld, Director of the Accessibility Resource Office,  at or Emily Kubaszak, Associate Director, at

Career Crossings Office (CCO)

The Career Crossings Office (CCO) assists students with choosing a major, exploring career options, developing effective job and internship search strategies, discerning post-graduation service, and preparing for graduate/professional school studies. Services include career assessments, résumé and cover letter writing, networking, interviewing, and researching and applying to graduate/professional schools. Career counseling is available through in-person and virtual appointments, email, and telephone consultation. Lifetime services are offered to all graduates.

To schedule an appointment with a career advisor, login to Handshake at  For more information, please visit the Career Crossings Office in 114 Spes Unica Hall or contact the office at (574) 284-4775 or

Cushwa-Leighton Library

The Saint Mary’s College campus library contains a collection of more than 240,000 volumes and provides access to more than 500,000 ebooks, electronic journal titles, and other e-resources. The rare-book collection, the 24-hour Trumper Computer Center, and the Huisking Instructional Technology Resource Center are located on the lower level of the library. The College Archives is a part of the library and is located in Madeleva Hall.

All materials are accessible through the online catalog which also includes direct access to the catalogs of twenty-three other academic libraries throughout the state of Indiana. The library is a critical resource for your college coursework. Help with library use and information research is available through many of your courses and individually at the research help desk or by appointment. Complete information about services and library policies is available on the web at:, or contact the library by phone (574) 284-5280.

Mary Lee Sheftic Health and Counseling Center (HCC)

To assist first-year students, the Mary Lee Sheftic Health and Counseling Center supports the educational mission of the College by providing high quality care in an accessible, safe, secure, and confidential environment. The staff is committed to assisting students in their acquisition of knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to become self-directed health advocates. We encourage students to participate actively in their own mental and physical health maintenance and to make informed choices regarding their care.

The Health and Counseling Center is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is located on the south side of Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex. Appointments can be made by calling Health and Counseling at (574) 284-4805. All services are confidential. More details can be found at

Math Center

The Math Center provides tutoring and resources for students taking mathematics courses. Directors Suzanne Cox and Chris Dwyer are available for one-on-one or group tutoring of students taking 100-level math courses. These faculty members are available weekdays at regularly scheduled hours; no appointment is necessary. The center, located in 354 Madeleva Hall, includes a library of supplementary texts that students are free to borrow. The center also has several computers loaded with the software used in mathematics and computer science courses. Students are encouraged to use these as they work on class projects.

Office for Student Success (OSS)

Directed by Aaron Bremyer, the OSS assists all SMC students through a wide range of programming, including a series of “Success Workshops” designed to promote evidence-based strategies that lead to greater successes in and out of the classroom.  Dedicated to cultivating a sense of belonging and purpose at our institution, the OSS invites all students to become members of S.H.A.R.P., a program facilitating accountability, structure, and habit-building as foundations of academic success. S.H.A.R.P. members and nonmembers alike are invited to meet with the director to discuss their academic trajectory. 

Additionally, some students are accepted into the College by the Saint Mary’s Admissions Office, which enrolls them in the Student Success Program and registers them in EDUC 100 Strategies for Academic Success. Taught by the OSS director, this two-credit course concentrates on identifying and developing specific strategies that assist learners engaged in the rigors of academic life. These Success Students meet regularly with the director to discuss their academic progress and motivations in order to set appropriate goals that encourage academic success.  Any student who may benefit from the course is welcome to join! 

Aaron L. Bremyer, Director, Office of Student Success
Rooms 308-310, 3rd Floor 
Cushwa-Leighton Library & Learning Commons
574.284.4463 || 
Follow the O.S.S. on social media: Instagram — oss_smc || Facebook — OSS 

Pre-Health Professions Advising

Calli Versagli, Associate Professor of biology, assists students who are interested in pursuing graduate or professional degrees in human and veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, podiatry, athletic training, chiropractics, and physician assistant studies.

Typically in the first and sophomore years, students discuss plans for graduate or professional health-related programs with their academic advisors. Then, beginning in the junior year, students are advised individually by Versagli as they begin the process of applying to health professions programs. Students are also encouraged to take SMC 387 in the semester before they apply to develop their application, typically in the spring semester of junior year.  If MCAT, DAT, OAT, or PA-CAT entrance exams are needed, students should plan to take BIO 375 the semester before they will take the exam, typically the spring semester of junior year.  Students can get all the courses they need to fulfill prerequisites for graduate or professional programs in health-related areas at Saint Mary’s College.

Calli Versagli, Associate Professor and Pre-Health Professions advisor
Department of Biology
274 Science Hall

Pre-Law Professions Advising

Pre-law advising is primarily facilitated by the Career Crossings Office in collaboration with Professor Sean Savage in political science and Professor Andrew Pierce in philosophy. The CCO serves as resource for students seeking information on registering and preparing for the LSAT, writing resumes and personal statements, and researching law schools. The CCO coordinates announcements to the College community on law school fairs and events as well as information sent to the College on specific law school programs. Contact Stacie Jeffirs to be added to the College’s pre-law advising listserv.

The academic departments involved in pre-law advising provide academic advising, guidance, coordinating law school information sessions for their major(s), and serving as a main point of contact for students interested in law school programs with targeted interests (e.g., civil rights, criminal law, education, environmental, family, health, immigration, sports, and entertainment).

Stacie Jeffirs, Director
Career Crossings Office
114 Spes Unica Hall

Sean Savage, Professor
Department of Political Science
247 Spes Unica Hall

Andrew Pierce, Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
153 Spes Unica Hall

Writing & TUTORING Center

The Writing & Tutoring Center at Saint Mary’s College provides one-on-one tutoring throughout the year for writers at every level of preparedness. Peer tutors representing a variety of majors work with students at any phase in the writing process, from pre-writing and brainstorming to post-writing and revision. The director and a graduate tutor work with graduate students. Students can make appointments in person by visiting the third floor of the Library, near the front of the building, or by making a free account and using our online scheduling platform: Tutorials can take place in-person, online via live videoconferencing, or online via asynchronous e-tutoring. Send any questions to  Find our hours on facebook @writingcentersaintmaryscollege.

Directory Information for First Year Students

Office Phone Number
Accessibility Resource Office 574-284-4262
Advising Office 574-284-4594
Admission 574-284-4587
Athletics 574-284-4694
Bookstore - Barnes & Noble 574-284-4719
Business Office (Student Accounts) 574-284-4730
Campus Dining 574-631-7253
Campus Ministry 574-284-5391
Career Crossings Office (CCO) 574-284-4775
Cushwa-Leighton Library 574-284-5280
Information Technology 574-284-4715
International and Intercultural Learning 574-284-4051
Mary Lee Sheftic Health and Counseling Center 574-284-4805
Multicultural Services and Student Program 574-284-4723
Office for Civic and Social Engagement (OCSE) 574-284-5368
Office of Financial Aid 574-284-4557
Office of Student Involvement (OSI) 574-284-4562
Office of Student Success 574-284-4463
Registrar 574-284-4560
Residence Life 574-284-4522
ResNet 574-284-5319
Security 574-284-5000
Student Academic Services 574-284-4594
Writing & Tutoring Center 574-284-4710